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AARRR: Pirate Metrics for SaaS

Entrepreneurs need to ask the right questions: how can I measure and optimize each step of my funnel to grow quickly and expand my customer base? One simple answer is: AARRR.

AARRR is a wonderful framework to help you better understand your consumers. It’ll help you measure your funnel and enable you to optimize it for the better.

Since AARRR are very simple and actionable metrics, you’ll be able to quickly understand & implement them. That’s why the framework is so powerful: it doesn’t require any technical knowledge.

AARRR is the perfect tool to help you to make more informed data-driven decision, at the foundation of some of the most powerful startups.

Understand Customer Acquisition in SaaS

After launching, most start-ups struggle to come to grip with acquisition thus limiting their growth potential with a likelihood of going bankrupt subsequently. This arises mainly from not setting a defined path to acquisition.

Enabling online acquisition can be quite tricky and may pose a slippery-slop especially in selling software online. Why? It is important to note there are a number of steps involved before a visitor becomes a customer and acquisition is the first of such steps.

Thus if acquisition – which is at the top of the funnel – is broken, the entire funnel becomes redundant. For instance, you may have returning customers but if you cannot acquire new sets of customers, growth becomes stall and maximum business potential may never be hit, thereby likely affecting sustainability.


In this article, I intend highlighting the main keys to understanding acquisition. Be rest assured it is pretty much easy to comprehend.

SaaS Free Trial: Everything you need to know

At the heart of the SaaS Sales Funnel, free trials are often misunderstood by most vendors. Learn how to get it right to grow your Business…

Most SaaS software have a free trial in order to let the user try the product for free. It allows users to see the value of the service and to influence their buying decision. Free trial is a lead generation technique that can be very powerful for SaaS software.

Free trials may be one of the most misunderstood concept by SaaS providers. Maybe it’s because most softwares provide one, so should you, obviously! However, be careful to avoid the main issues that relates with free trials.

What’s the purpose of a free trial? Should you have one? How to convert free trials into paid users? How long should your free trial be? Should you ask for credit card references? Is there any alternative?

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Pierre Lechelle

SaaS Marketing & Growth

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